Ceallaigh's Blog

Sunday, May 21, 2006

I am very excited to write that two of my poems, "Sol Prayer: By the Oracle Duality Chang Shen / Song of the Star Cradle" and "Two Servants of the Morrighan" have been accepted for publication by Mythic Delirium.

"Sol Prayer..." is written in one of the poetic meters I invented for use in the Petals of the Twenty Thousand Blossom series, and Chang Shen/Song of the Star Cradle is a combined human and artificial intelligence. Of course I am happy for both of my poems, but "Sol Prayer..." is special because it represents the first publication of work derived from the PTTB world-building project, which I have been working on for many years now.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I’ve just learned from Mike Allen’s LiveJournal that Issue #14 of Mythic Delirium is on its way out to contributors and subscribers. This means that "Στεφανος" is officially in print.

I’m tremendously excited about this one; it represents my first publication in the speculative fiction market. And it’s nothing to sneeze at either; Mike is the current president of the Science Fiction Poetry Association, and Mythic Delirium is widely read by SFPA members. But beyond all of that, MD is a gorgeous journal; each poem in every issue is a jewel. I’m really quite honored to be counted among the poets found in its pages.

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

I received my contributor’s copy of "Ammonite Baby" in the mail yesterday. I think this is the first time one of my stories has appeared as the singular piece of fiction in one of BBI’s publications. That’s pretty cool.

Sunday, April 9, 2006

I learned yesterday from Tyree Campbell, editor of Illumen, that my poem entitled Ἡφαιστος had been accepted for publication in the Fall 2006 editon of that magazine. Issues of Illumen and other magazines published by Sam’s Dot Publishing can be purchased at:

The Genre Mall

Saturday, May 7, 2005

Looks like "Holy Stones" and "Yundah" are both slated for publication in PanGaia later this year. There’s no final word yet on "Ammonite Baby", but I’m hoping newWitch will pick it up. This latest rush of publication credits will look terrific in my portfolio. I’m still researching From Our Minds to Yours, but I expect to start writing it this week.
