Dr. Ceallaigh S. MacCath-Moran holds B.A. in Celtic Studies from the University of Toronto, an M.A. in English and Creative Writing from the University of Maine, and a PhD in Folklore from Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador. She is also an author, poet, and musician under the name C.S. MacCath. Her long-running Folklore & Fiction Project integrates these passions with a focus on folklore scholarship aimed at storytellers, and she brings a deep appreciation of animism, ecology, and folkloristics to her own storytelling. Work from her two fiction and poetry collections has been shortlisted for the Washington Science Fiction Association Small Press Award, nominated for the Pushcart Prize, and nominated for the Rhysling Award. Recently, her podcast radio drama “The Belt and the Necklace,” was produced by the Odyssey Theatre in Ottawa. She has been Pagan by faith and a witch by practice for over thirty years, and in that time she has become a Druid grade member of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, a Nordic animist, and a teacher of magical traditions. She lives on Cape Breton Island with her husband, two black cats, and a giant dog. You can find her online at csmaccath.com, folkloreandfiction.com, and linktr.ee/csmaccath.
Ceallaigh is also an active member of these professional organizations, among others:
- Academic
- Canadian
- Speculative Literature
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