Ceallaigh's Blog

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My short poem "Fetters" is now available in the Winter 2010 issue of Goblin Fruit.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Short Fiction:
"The Longest Road in the Universe" in Murky Depths, January 2009
"The Ruin of Beltany Ring" in Witches & Pagans, September 2009

"The Harper" in A Time To... Volume 3: The Best of The Lorelei Signal 2008, July 2009 (Reprint)
"Godtouched" in Witches and Pagans, September 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I am delighted to report that my short poem "Fetters" has been accepted for publication in the Winter 2010 edition of the very fine poetry journal Goblin Fruit. Mike Allen of Mythic Delirium repute is guest-editing this edition.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sequential Tart published a review of both Clockwork Phoenix anthologies today, with a mixed reaction to both. Of "Akhila, Divided" the reviewer writes:

CS MacCath's "Ahkila Divided" tells of a living bomb that is captured by her potential victims. It seems like a slice of a much broader story; I would have liked a little more information on the nature of Ahkila and the augments, and felt frustrated by the lack of information. Even so, what we do get is enough to appreciate the moral of the tale, how we can be both a victim and a perpetrator in war.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My short story "The Ruin of Beltany Ring" and my poem "Godtouched" are now in print in the inaugural issue of Witches & Pagans.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

I am delighted to report that my short story, "Akhila, Divided", which appeared in Clockwork Phoenix: Tales of Beauty and Strangeness, has received Honorable Mention in The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Sixth Annual Collection, edited by Gardner Dozois.

I am proud of this story and grateful to have been published in such an incredible anthology. Congratulations to my fellow Honorable Mentionees from CP, who are listed on Mike Allen's LiveJournal, and congratulations to Mike Allen himself, who edited the work.

I might add that I've been buying and reading this anthology for as long as I can remember, so having been mentioned in it is a big, big deal for me.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I am delighted to announce that my poem entitled, "The Harper" will appear in Lorelei Signal's 'Best of 2008' anthology.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Two new reviews up for "The Longest Road in the Universe" today; the first from
Stephen Hunt's SF Crowsnest* and the second from SFRevu. Both are positive, and both are part of favorable reviews for Murky Depths Issue #7 as well, which is really great.

*05/24/2010: Links to site home page; review page removed.

Monday, March 2, 2009

"Akhila, Divided" has been favorably reviewed by Michael M. Jones of SF Site. The full text of the review can be found at the foregoing link.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Clockwork Phoenix: Tales of Beauty and Strangeness has made the Locus Recommended Reading List for 2008!.

Congratulations to Vera Nazarian, Mike Allen, and all my fellow authors. CP really is a beautiful book.
