Ceallaigh's Blog

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Now that Grandmother Mælkevejen's Belly is listed for sale on Audible, Amazon and iTunes, ACX has sent me a number of codes for free downloads of the title. I'm offering fifteen of them to people with Audible.com accounts in exchange for honest reviews of the title on the Audible and/or Amazon web sites.

If you have an Audible account and would like to review the audiobook, please let me know by e-mailing me via the contact form on my web site to request a code.

You can find the title on Audible here.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I need to write this entry for my wiki anyway, so I thought I'd make it a blog post as well in the hope it might help other people getting started with Audible ACX narration. That said, this post is technical in nature and only covers that portion of the process. I'll write another post once my sound studio is finished that discusses sound attenuation for audio recording. Suffice to say for now that you need a silent, sound-dampened environment to work in, since it's virtually impossible to scrub sound artifacts from a recording without sacrificing quality.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"Grandmother Mælkevejen's Belly: A Novelette of the Lodhuven" is presently available for Kindle pre-order, and I've just uploaded the audio version to Audible ACX for QA. Want to hear a free sample? Awesome! Here ya go:

Sunday, March 22, 2015

My last offering in the series of free spoken audio for The Ruin of Beltany Ring: A Collection of Pagan Poems and Tales is now available here and on SoundCloud. Check it out!

You can also listen to the entire playlist here:

Monday, March 16, 2015

My next offering in the series of free spoken audio for The Ruin of Beltany Ring: A Collection of Pagan Poems and Tales is now available here and on SoundCloud. Check it out!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

My next offering in the series of free spoken audio for The Ruin of Beltany Ring: A Collection of Pagan Poems and Tales is now available here and on SoundCloud. Check it out!

Monday, March 2, 2015

My next offering in the series of free spoken audio for The Ruin of Beltany Ring: A Collection of Pagan Poems and Tales is now available here and on SoundCloud. Check it out!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

My next offering in the series of free spoken audio for The Ruin of Beltany Ring: A Collection of Pagan Poems and Tales is now available here and on SoundCloud. Check it out!

Friday, February 13, 2015

After many months of planning to release a second edition of The Ruin of Beltany Ring: A Collection of Pagan Poems and Tales, I began work on the publishing end of the project this week and then promptly dropped the idea. Originally, I had thought to unpublish the first edition and replace it with a second that bore my own ISBN. But this week I realized that was a more cumbersome and imperfect process than I cared to undertake for a body of work already so long in the tooth (some of these stories and poems are a decade old).

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I'm in post-production for the audio recording of Grandmother Mælkevejen's Belly and thought I'd share some insights from my first stint as an audio actor and sound engineer. As I mentioned some weeks ago, I'm recording from my attic using the iRig MIC Cast and iRig Recorder on my iPod and Audacity on Kubuntu for final mixing of audio takes.