Reasabaidh Bearnan Brìde Ìocshlaint

Note: My Gaelic class last night was really great. Shay taught us how to make two herbal medicines that we foraged, cut and prepared ourselves. I thought I'd share one of her recipes with you, but I just can't write it in English after her careful, Gaelic instruction. So for better or worse (and it's probably worse!), here it is anns a' Ghàidhlig. You can read my English translations by hovering the text.

Rinne mi ìocshlaint sa mhadainn seo. Sè Bearnan Brìde a th' ann. Tha i math airson cnàmh, 's sè mòran mèinnireach a th' innte.


Duilleagan Bearnan Brìde Ùr
Fion Geur (not pasteurized)
Crog Ghloine agus Ceann

1. Gèarr duilleagan Bearnan Brìde glè bheag, 's cuir iad anns a crog ghloine.
2. Cuir fion geur anns a crog ghloine, 's cuir an ceann air.
3. Cuir ìocshlaint ann preas dorcha do 1 mìos.
4. Thoir air falbh duilleagan Bearnan Brìde (strain out), 's cùm fion geur.

'Na dhéidh sin, cuir làn-spàine ann glas uisge, 's `ol i!

Tapadh leat, a' Séidheag, airson an reasabaidh!