Happy book birthday to Rhonda Parrish and all the contributors to G is for Ghosts! I'm very proud of my own contribution, titled "Metal Crow and Ghost Crow," a near-future fable about souls and what it means to have one.
You can learn more about the anthology, add it to your reading list, and find a link to buy a copy here.

The Longest Road in the Universe: A Collection of Fantastical Tales, Second Edition, is now available for purchase and pre-order. If you're a paperback lover, you can buy the book now, which showcases Nancy Farmer's stunning illustrations of the titular story in full-page and two-page spreads. If you prefer e-books, the collection is available for pre-order and will be released on February 1st. You'll find the book here:
Buy the Paperback | Buy the Kindle Version | Buy Another Version

Happy book day to F is for Fairy, which contains my short story "B is for Burned/Every Broken Creature." Here's a bit of that story to entice you across the veil: