Ceallaigh's Blog
Hello, and welcome to the January 2021 Folklore & Fiction dispatch. In this edition, I'll be introducing you to three indexes of recurring motifs and plots found in folk tales. I'll also be providing you with a writing exercise extracted from Julia Cameron's excellent motivational book on the creative life, The Artist's Way. This dispatch has been released with the first of its companion Folklore & Fiction podcast episodes, and you'll find a link to that episode below. It's also the first in a two-year exploration of folkloric motifs and plots from around the world paired with writing exercises designed to help you make use of them as storytellers.
Here are the folklore-related memes I published to social media in November 2020.
Hello, and welcome to the Folklore & Fiction newsletter. In this edition, I'm writing about performance with help from scholars Dan Ben-Amos, Roger D. Abrahams, Richard Bauman, and others, author and playwright William Shakespeare, and the McGahan Lees Irish Dance Academy. I'm also exploring possible uses of performance in storytelling. This is the most theoretically chewy of the newsletters I've published in the last two years, but I've endeavoured to make it tasty as well, so grab a glass of water and dig in. =)
Here are the folklore-related memes I published to social media in October 2020.
Hello, and welcome to the Folklore & Fiction newsletter. In this edition, I'm writing about child lore with help from scholars Gary Alan Fine and others, author Philip Pullman, and The Choral Scholars of University College Dublin. I'm also exploring the use of child lore in storycraft and providing you with an exercise on the topic.
Here are the folklore-related memes I published to social media in September 2020.
For those of you who missed my recent folklore & fiction Twitch conversation with Laura VanArendonk Baugh, you can catch the YouTube replay here:
Please join me this Tuesday evening for a live Twitch interview and chat with author Laura VanArendonk Baugh about folklore: what it is, what folklorists study, how it relates to fiction, and how we can think like folklorists about culturally sensitive issues in our writing.
Date: Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Time: 7:00 PM EST
Place: http://twitch.tv/laura_vab
You don't need a Twitch account to listen in, but you'll need one if you'd like to participate in the conversation, and they're free.