Ceallaigh's Blog
I'm delighted to report that Scheherazade’s Façade, the first anthology of Circlet Press' new Gressive Press imprint, is now available!
The e-book editions of the anthology can be purchased through Circlet Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other book retailers. The print edition will be available through the same in a few days, once the title navigates its way through the publishing system.
My panel schedule for Hal-Con has been finalized. Here 'tis:
Friday 5:15 - 6:00
Structure of the Novel
Writing a novel? This panel will help you plan it. We'll be breaking a basic story arc into acts, chapters and scenes with emphasis on outlining as a plotting tool.
Saturday 9:30 - 10:15
Technology for Writers
From text editors to mind-mapping software to wikis to social networking, this panel will endeavor to improve your tool-kit with low-cost or free technology solutions.
Sunday 12:00 - 12:45
ConLangs 101
Have you ever wanted to construct a language from scratch for gaming or fiction? This panel will introduce you to a few of the biological, linguistic and cultural basics.
My short story Yundah, which was originally printed in PanGaia, is also available now in The Shining Cities: An Anthology of Pagan Science Fiction, edited by Rebecca Buchanan.
This anthology is one of the few that marries short fiction with Paganism, and all proceeds go to benefit charity. Do check it out!
I've been less than consistent with my Activism Updates and ConLangs 101 series posts, so I thought I'd write a quick note and let you know where they stand.
The Activism Updates will resume in August, when I return to work. I expect my first entry will be of the linkspam variety, followed thereafter by another book review two weeks after that and then back on a once-every-two-weeks schedule.
I'm working on the next ConLangs 101 entry right now, to be entitled ConLangs 101: Units of Speech and Writing. I should have it up within the week. I'm also planning one last entry in the series after that entitled ConLangs 101: The Primordial World Sea People. I expect I'll have it up before the end of the month1.
I've finally taken the time to set up an Amazon.com Author Page. You can find it here:
Tonight is the first board meeting for Dìleab: The Association for Intergenerational Language Transmission in Nova Scotia. This organization is spear-headed by Dr. Emily McEwan-Fujita, who has asked me to sit on the board primarily as a technical advisor and web site developer. This is an exciting opportunity for me and for Triskele Media, because it means that I have the opportunity to integrate more fully into the Gaelic community here, and my business has the opportunity to work with Gaelic organizations.
Later this month, Dìleab will be co-sponsoring a lecture by Dr. Leanne Hinton entitled, 'Bringing the Language Home: Language Revitalization in the Family', which will coincide with Dr. Hinton's visit to Nova Scotia. If you're local, I hope you'll come.
I'll post more on this as time passes, and I have more to tell.
It looks like I won't be able to make it to the Celtic Gathering Canada 2011 after all. Our first several months in Nova Scotia have taken their toll, and we need to focus our energy and our income on our new life here for awhile. Maybe next time...
I'm delighted to report that my poem entitled, "When I arrived, this is what She said" will appear in the Fall 2011 issue of the very fine poetry journal Goblin Fruit.
I've been asked to provide a reading of the piece, so I think I'm going to head to Peggy's Cove and see if my iPad can successfully record my voice against the sound of the ocean hitting the rocks there.
I've just learned that attendees of the Celtic Gathering Canada 2009 have asked if I'll be teaching bodhrán again this year, so my bodhrán workshop has been added to the 2011 schedule.