
Welcome to Folklore & Fiction, the Internet home of scholar and author Ceallaigh S. MacCath-Moran | C.S. MacCath. I'm a PhD student of Folklore at Memorial University of Newfoundland and the author of two collections of short fiction and poetry. Folklore & Fiction replaces the old C.S. MacCath website but contains all of the original content thanks to the phenomenal web development skills of my beloved husband and business partner, Sean, who built and themed what you see here. 

Some things to know:

First and foremost, the Folklore & Fiction newsletter will launch tomorrow with "An Introduction to Folklore Genres." The focus of this newsletter is folkloric scholarship for writers, and it will be published on the first Folklore Thursday (#FolkloreThursday) of the month except in June and December, when I'll send subscribers an update on my publishing activities. These updates will go out on the summer and winter solstices.  

You can subscribe to this newsletter in three ways by clicking on the links below:

Second, if you previously followed my Winterhammer blog, and especially if you linked to anything there, those links still work and point to the new location for their associated entries on the Folklore & Fiction website. You can subscribe to the Winterhammer/Heathen-related blog category by clicking on the links below:

Finally, if you want to subscribe to my blog and receive everything published there, you can do that by clicking on the links below:

We're still implementing features on the new website, most notably an upgraded version of my bibliography and a calendar of events, so you'll see some changes in the coming weeks. We're also tweaking what's already there, so if you encounter a a website bug, I'd be grateful if you'd send me note via the website contact form.

That's all for now. Thanks very much for your time! I'll be back tomorrow with the first Folklore & Fiction newsletter.