Upon the death of my host and waiting for uplink: by Event Horizon, formerly of the Oracle Duality Liselle Marie Michaud/Event Horizon

A Light Singer Expression of Individuation mourns the death of its Guild Sibyl counterpart in the fictionally-attributed poem "Upon the death of my host and waiting for uplink: by Event Horizon, formerly of the Oracle Duality Liselle Marie Michaud/Event Horizon." Available in the September 8, 2008 issue of Strange Horizons.

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Strange Horizons

Bibliographic Entry:

MacCath, C.S. 2008. "Upon the Death of My Host and Waiting for Uplink: By Event Horizon, Formerly of the Oracle Duality Liselle Marie Michaud/Event Horizon." Strange Horizons, 8 September 2008. http://strangehorizons.com/poetry/upon-the-death-of-my-host-and-waiting-for-uplink-by-event-horizon-formerly-of-the-oracle-duality-liselle-marie-michaud-event-horizon.
