...Now is the only moment left to us.
Let there be courage enough in it.
When the wolf’s teeth bite down,
crushing vein and bone,
may we sacrifice knowing that
we are more whole without a hand
than we are without the world.
Ragnarok comes, and your voice rumbles
low and even across the Planck length.
I am behind you, listening from the rank and file.
My pen is on the page,
and I am ready.

Eternal Haunted Summer
Bibliographic Entry:
MacCath, C.S. “Tiw, Tiw, Tiw: A Triple Invocation of Tyr for the 2019 Global Climate Strike.” Eternal Haunted Summer, June 20, 2020. Accessed December 30, 2020. https://eternalhauntedsummer.com/issues/summer-solstice-2020/tiw-tiw-tiw-a-triple-invocation-of-tyr-for-the-2019-global-climate-strike.