A Path Without Bones

New spirit paths are forged far away from the bones of the old in "A Path Without Bones." Available in the Spring Equinox 2010 issue of Eternal Haunted Summer.

Eternal Haunted Summer

Bibliographic Entry:

MacCath, C.S. 2010. "A Path Without Bones." Eternal Haunted Summer, March 2010. https://eternalhauntedsummer.com/issues/spring-equinox-2010/a-path-without-bones.

The 2011 Rhysling Anthology

Bibliographic Entry:

MacCath, C.S. 2011. "A Path Without Bones." In The 2011 Rhysling Anthology, edited by David Lunde, 32. Raven Electrick Ink.

The Ruin of Beltany Ring: A Collection of Pagan Poems and Tales

Bibliographic Entry:

MacCath, C. S. 2013. "A Path Without Bones." In The Ruin of Beltany Ring: A Collection of Pagan Poems and Tales, 54. South Haven: Triskele Media Press.

The Ruin of Beltany Ring
The Ruin of Beltany Ring: A Collection of Pagan Poems and Tales

Bibliographic Entry:

MacCath, C. S. 2025. "A Path Without Bones." In The Ruin of Beltany Ring: A Collection of Pagan Poems and Tales, 52-53. South Haven: Triskele Media Press.


Nominated for the Rhysling Award.

Awards and Recognition, Poetry