A band of fairies prays to the four elements for the destruction of a city, and the elements respond in "The Intersititial Fairy Demolition Crew Casts a Circle." Available in the Summer Solstice 2010 issue of Eternal Haunted Summer.

Eternal Haunted Summer
MacCath, C.S. 2010. "The Interstitial Fairy Demolition Crew Casts a Circle." Eternal Haunted Summer, 20 June 2010. https://eternalhauntedsummer.com/issues/summer-solstice-2010/the-interstitial-fairy-demolition-crew-casts-a-circle.

The Ruin of Beltany Ring: A Collection of Pagan Poems and Tales
MacCath, C. S. 2013. "The Interstitial Fairy Demolition Crew Casts a Circle." In The Ruin of Beltany Ring: A Collection of Pagan Poems and Tales, 30–33. South Haven: Triskele Media Press.

The Best of Eternal Haunted Summer: A Thirteenth Anniversary Edition
MacCath, C.S. 2023. “The Interstitial Fairy Demolition Crew Casts a Circle.” In The Best of Eternal Haunted Summer: A Thirteenth Anniversary Edition, edited by Rebecca Buchanan, 142–44. Lulu.com.

The Ruin of Beltany Ring: A Collection of Pagan Poems and Tales
MacCath, C. S. 2025. "The Interstitial Fairy Demolition Crew Casts a Circle." In The Ruin of Beltany Ring: A Collection of Pagan Poems and Tales, 28-31. South Haven: Triskele Media Press.