Sequential Tart Review of Clockwork Phoenix

Sequential Tart published a review of both Clockwork Phoenix anthologies today, with a mixed reaction to both. Of "Akhila, Divided" the reviewer writes:

CS MacCath's "Ahkila Divided" tells of a living bomb that is captured by her potential victims. It seems like a slice of a much broader story; I would have liked a little more information on the nature of Ahkila and the augments, and felt frustrated by the lack of information. Even so, what we do get is enough to appreciate the moral of the tale, how we can be both a victim and a perpetrator in war.

This isn't the first time a reviewer has asked for more of this world. I've mentioned myself that the story could be expanded into a standalone novel about the war between the Augments and Organics. I'm working in another universe right now, polishing up that sequel to "The Longest Road in the Universe". But in fairness to my reviewers, I'm beginning to take the admonition (and the invitation!) to heart.