Ma Phòsas Mi

Ma Phòsas Mi12

Ma phòsas mi cha ghabh mi’n té mhòr
Ma phòsas mi cha ghabh mi’n té mhòr
Ma phòsas mi cha ghabh mi’n té mhòr
Gur beag an té dh’fhòghnadh dhomhsa.

1) Cha ghabh mi’n té fhada, cha tig I rium fhín,
‘Nuair a thig I dha’n leabaidh bidh croit air a druim,
‘Nuair shíneas i ‘casan bidh ‘phlaide ‘gam dhíth
‘s bidh mise leam fhín ‘s mi reòidhte.


2) Cha ghabh mi’n té fhriodanta, radanta, ruadh,
A chumadh an conas ‘s am mallachadh suas,
Cha bhiodh i fad’ agam airson a cur bhuam,
B’e turas gun bhuaidh dhomh ‘pòsadh.


If I Marry

If I marry I’ll not take the big woman for a wife
If I marry I’ll not take the big woman for a wife
If I marry I’ll not take the big woman for a wife
Only a small one will do for me.

1) I’ll not take the tall one, she wont suit me,
When she comes to bed she’ll have a crook in her back,
When she stretches out her legs I’ll be deprived of the blanket
And left lying there alone freezing.


2) I’ll not take the fretful, headstrong redhead,
Who would keep up her quarrelling and cursing.
I would not have her with me for long before I sent her away.
Marrying her would be a hapless venture for me.


  • 1. Sung by Lauchie MacLellan, Dunvegan, Inverness County. Recorded September 1976.
  • 2. Learned from Pàdraig Bennett at a workshop in his home in Halifax.