Ceallaigh's Blog

Thursday, June 25, 2015

I'm pleased to announce that I'm offering from my archives a reprint of "Casting Sin," which initially appeared in Murky Depths Issue #4. Here's a bit more about the story:

Friday, June 19, 2015

On our last night in the UK, we stayed at a Holiday Inn Express at the Glasgow airport. Sean found a vegan restaurant downtown called The 78 with a set menu and a reggae band playing later that evening, so we took a cab in. On the way, I struck up a conversation with the cabbie about Gàidhlig, and he was able to give me "Ciamar a tha thu," but that was all he had.

Dinner was great, and the atmosphere was cool. It was interesting to me that our first experience of Glasgow was this hip, modern place with a mostly young and liberal clientele. While we were waiting on the cab home, I struck up a conversation with three young vegans sitting at a table outside. The young woman among them worked in government and pronounced Gàidhlig dead. Then she amended the statement to say that there were people trying to revive the language, but they weren't doing enough, so it was mostly dead. The two young men had no Gàidhlig at all and didn't care.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Rhonda Parrish begins a "Fractured Friday" blog series with my B is for Broken contributor interview. Check it out!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Here it is at long last, the second volume in the Alphabet Anthologies, B is for Broken. This one contains my novelette "C is for Change", a story I loved writing and hope you'll love reading. Details below.

Amazon Paperback | Amazon Kindle | Barnes and Noble | Kobo | Smashwords

Sunday, May 17, 2015
Dispatches from the Word Mines is an irregular blog series about literature and writing from the perspective of writers themselves. This entry comes to us from Rebecca Buchanan, author of A Witch Among Wolves, and Other Pagan Tales. She discusses that collection here, shares her thoughts about Pagan fiction, and tells us where to find her current and forthcoming work. Many thanks, Rebecca!

C: I'd like to know about the seeds and germination, both sacred and mundane, of a couple of your stories. Where did these tales begin? How did they flower into completed projects?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Welcome to Issue #15 of my quarterly newsletter, posted to csmaccath.com and e-mailed to subscribers on Beltane 2015.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

During my social media hiatus, I began thinking about ways I might be of use to my community of writers, especially my community of speculative fiction writers. I've been afforded the opportunity to write about my work in three interviews recently, and I've been grateful for each one. They not only gave me a forum for discussing my writing, they helped me think about my process, which is always valuable to me.

I'd like to pay that forward by offering my blog space to fellow writers periodically so they can talk about their own writing and processes. I want to read about works in progress and the processes around those, forthcoming work that includes featured samples, elements of the craft, editing, marketing and any other worthy topic that nurtures and promotes writers and writing.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

A. L. (Alex) Butcher of the excellent Library of Erana recently interviewed me on the topics of narration and writing. That interview is live now. Thanks very much, Alex! You'll find the interview here.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Kindle | Audible

Starting tomorrow, I'll be running a five day Kindle giveaway of "Grandmother Mælkevejen's Belly: A Novelette of the Lodhuven." So if you're interested in reading it, now is the time!

Should you take advantage of the promotion, I hope you'll consider leaving a review of the story on Amazon. Thanks very much, and happy reading!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

"C is for Change"

"Three nights, maybe less," I told the man; a grandchild clinging to his neck, another clutching a trouser leg, and watched his mouth fall slack with fear. "And we can only make ten trips up the mountain a day, for people and supplies both, so the Qandunar warmaster wants you to run, if you can."

Three broken people; a monk bearing a terrible scar, a warrior facing a terrible sorrow, a woman hiding a terrible past face a relentless army so hard to defeat it might as well be invincible. Find out whether or not they survive in "C is for Change." Forthcoming in the B is for Broken anthology.
